Female bodies go through a lot during a lifetime. From menstrual cycles and child bearing till menopause, it is very normal for your body to feel different. But it is always a good idea to notice the changes or observe the symptoms that your body shows as the prevalence of cancer in women has been increasing over the years.
The most common cancers that are found in women are Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Lung Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Skin Cancer and Ovarian Cancer. Certain cancers are termed Gynecologic cancers because they develop in a woman’s reproductive system like Uterine cancer, Ovarian cancer, Cervical cancer, Vaginal cancer and Vulvar cancer. Although breast cancer can occur in both men and women, it is 100 times more common in women when compared to men. There are several factors that make you vulnerable to cancers like:
- A history of cancer in the family
- Late childbirth
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Genetic mutations
- Exposure to radiations
- Unhealthy weight
If you have any of the above risk factors, make sure you undergo screening on a regular basis as cancer has better treatment outcomes when diagnosed early. Also notice any abnormal changes in your body that raises suspicion of cancer. At Kalpavriksham, we provide screening and treatment for all types of cancers. We place women’s health at topmost priority and provide the most comprehensive treatment to help you overcome both physically and emotionally after cancer treatment.
Blog Reviewed By :Dr.M.BanupriyaVisit Us:kalpavrikshamtrust.com
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